and im at the office. Isn't that just fantastic? While everyone else, ok maybe not everyone, but you know what I mean... as other people rather are lying on the beach; getting piss drunk then passing out before midday; shopping in malls full of screaming children, BoneyM blaring and tacky decorations , I am at the office...
I have tried as far as I can to avoid shopping malls and I have managed quite well as I am always broke. That was until yesturday when I had to go to Centuary City, that pseudo-Tuscan monstrosity to buy some drinks because that is one of the only places around Cape Town that sell alcohol on a Sunday.
Screaming children everywhere, families that look like they just walked off the set for the Klumps munching away and general pandemonium of too many people and too little space and little or no tact (RE: the decorations).
I really do not like Christmast decorations. No other time of year is it ever normal for gold, silver, green and red to be put together (the Christmast tree) and we are all supposed to marvel at that and call it beautiful, I do not understand?? and all that is safer at the office for broke grinchs like me.
I think I might even ask to work on Christmas day too because the beaches are full, not a single spot to lie down and read a book. We had to go all the way to Langebaan for some piece and quiet and time on the beach.
oh well, as long as no one is getting hurt right?
"Eat drink and be merry, forget the weary" someone once said to me!
3 weeks ago
1 comment:
Hehe I am a bit of a scrooge too, i am also still at work, will probably be at work quite a bit. I never get the eating part of christmas, especially in the uk, people eat themselves into a frenzy. Why??
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