picture from www.paklinks.com
The most amazing thing is happening with the Cape Town weather these days; the sun is shining. If you are reading this from the UK or Ireland or any other place on Earth that hardly gets any sun, you will understand how monumental it is when you wake up and the sun is beating down on your lazy bum urging you to get up. It makes you feel brave in what you wear. You throw the trench-coat to the side and rummage through your summer clothes to see which ones you have been dying to wear.
This morning I settled for an outfit similar to the one worn by the girl in that picture. So, no that is not me in the picture. But, if it helps you to keep reading this post, then you can pretend it is.
Back to the sunny Friday morning...
I make my way to work, on the train, and realise that the sun is just an illusion because it is still shit cold in the [step]Mother-City (a friend of mine calls it that). My smile vanishes and turns into a frown when the guy in front of me opens his window to let in a cold breeze. He is wearing a jacket so it makes no difference to him really. But I am literally freezing my ass off and i swear i can feel my bones shiverring. But he is bigger, has no front teeth and since I was not feeling particularly brave, I decide not to give him a PIECE of my mind and settle for a slow death-by-freezing.
I get to work in a sour mood, walk into my office and see that a colleague is also under the same illusion as me. She is dressed in her Summer clothes. And she gives me a smile that says "I know exactly what you're going through" and then my smile is back again as i feel a strange closeness to this woman just because she is also not dressed "right" for the [step]Mother City weather.
1 comment:
hehe poor neoscribe, you got tricked by the weather!
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