14 August 2008

Missed my big break...

So there I was at the Eco-Expo dwelling in the army tent for two whole days, all in the interest of networking with the tree-huggers and their children and whomever else stumbled into the Overberg Eco-Expo. I will admit that after spending the whole Friday on my feet surrounded by noisy kids who descended on our stall, I will be rather content if I never saw another primary school kid in my whole entire life...how primary school teachers endure this torture is beyong me. Anyway so Friday came and went and I was tired, because lazy people like me are not meant to spend a Friday standing around a stall and smilling, being polite and informative...I would much rather have been lazing around the beach with a drink in hand. While I was in the army tent and walking around to see what other people's stalls looked like, (side thought: don't you hate it when someone upstages u with their wonderful eco-friendly stall?) There were talks going on in the main hall. As I was later to find out, there were two particular people there whose talks I missed and I had no idea who they were until after the expo was finished. Dr Guy Midgley and Dr Philip Llyod were in a team of scientists and global warming experts who shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Price with that shine-stealing Al Gore (of inconvinient truth fame). So I had two Nobel Peace price winners right under my nose who I could have interviewed and sold that story off to make myself big bucks and hopefully get that job at Aljazeera :) But Alas, i was sitting in the army tent, nearly getting blown off by the wind and stuffing my face with pancakes and hotdogs while the Nobel Price winners were wondering where that potential super journalist lurking around the bundus was hiding...ok so maybe they weren't really thinking that, but they could have...


po said...

Guy Midgley!

I used to work at the same place as him. I did honours with some relation, either son or nephew, I forget. Small world.

neolithic said...

Did u work at Sanbi?
Small world indeed :)

po said...

I worked at the NBI in Kirstenbosch

neolithic said...

yep thats the one, they added South Africa in the beginning to make it SANBI (SA National Biodiversity institute)

small world 4 real :)

Colleen said...

I am thinking the fates have a much better break waiting for you just down the road. You're on an interesting journey.