It is times like these when I wish my parents didn't give me the "be what u want to be" speech after I finished high school. Which led me to choosing to study to be a glorified ambulance-chaser (journalism) and which has somehow morphed into tree-hugging somewhere along the line. The messed up thing is that I love my job and I would seriously do it for free.
Because now poverty is my friend. I am a poor tree-hugging writer. I live on 2-minute noodles, I doubt that there is a flavour that I haven't eaten. A quick facebook research (ahem status update reading "if i have to eat another pack of 2 minute noodles, i will flip") amongst my journo friend revealed that we are all pretty much in the same boat, living off 2-minute noodles, toast and lots of sarcasm.
Somehow, I finally understand what Ndumiso Ngcobo meant when he said something along the lines of "writers are treated only marginally less important that paper ink".What the parents should have done (which is what I will do to my offspring should i decide it necessary to pop a few) is to say:
"no, no daughter of mine will end up as a starving writer" and gave me a mathematical sum to solve. Something difficult like those solve for x type..
No hiphop/pop/rock music in the house. only classic music to calm me down. Mozard, Beethoven and on a good day i can listen to some symphony ochestra or something but certainly none of this progressive, in you face music that will pollute the mind with lyrics that make you want to pen something down. Just calmness, violins, pianos, harps..
Every single birthday, as a friend suggested, get the same present. No cuddly toys, just maths set, sodoku puzzles and the Thessaurus
Two weeks without a TV the first time you get 80% for an English essay.
Really that would have helped. I would be a miserable scientist somewhere at NASA but my paycheck would ensure that i never had to see another pack of 2-minute noodles again. Gosh I hate 2-minute noodles and my cupboard is full of the stuff. Goodness. Hapiness is overated anyway, who needs a job that they love anyway?
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