i do not even know when and how she started following my blog but one day I logged onto my blog to rant a bit more and there was a comment from a "spindrifting South African Sea Monkey" called "Po" and her logo looked like a unicorn or pony dipped through a rainbow. And she has been leaving comments, funny, encouraging ones at that, ever since..
Today I decided I would pay homage to Po, the Durban chick who is stuck in a lab in the UK, ok im not sure if she is from Durban or Cape Town but I remember us discussing Durban a lot at some point.
I would like to thank Po for the positivity, you seem like a really lovely lady and I love reading your blog because you are always positive even when you are whining like me sometimes :)
Tonight I will have my first drink in your honour, thank you for making cyberspace a friendly space. Keep being you.
3 weeks ago
Thank you so much! I remember when I found your blog, you were somewhere out in the bundus and I thought the place you lived in looked so amazing.
Yup, I am from Durban, and am visiting soon, I will probably die though, cos once you move away from that heat I am not sure you ever reacclimatise!
That was a lovely post, thanks so much.
no Thank you :)
Dear Author neoscribes.blogspot.com !
Just that is necessary. An interesting theme, I will participate. I know, that together we can come to a right answer.
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