11 February 2010

Back to school...seriously?

The only phrase that comes to mind at this point is this one "sometimes you have to go back in order to go forward". If that makes any sense to you.

This means that I have now gone back to school in order to go into journalism. Instead of the pressure of the newsroom, I get to spend 8h30 to 4pm every single day in a class with 12 other aspiring journalists learning all the things "they didn't teach you in journalism school". (More on the other 12 candidates later)

I know, hardly exciting!

 All those hours spent taking notes, could be spent running up and down the CBD trying to get a first page story in one of the newspapers in the stable. But alas, I attend class after class after class and in the last two weeks I have had to create another blogspot address in which I write about my "experiences at the Cadet School" and yet another one on Vula (UCT platform) where I blog about my assignments (I kid you not).

But it is not all doom and gloom, I still get to pop in and out of the newsroom. Mingle with other journalists and hear from some of the most interesting people in the field like, Marianne Thamm, on what they think about the status of journalism and whatever else is on their minds really.

And I also get to do a grammar course, which if you have read any of my other blog post, you would agree that my spelling is terrible for a journalist.

Oh yah how can I forget, I get to call myself a journalist again, so bye bye "tree hugging"...


po said...

For how long? Hehe I kind of miss being in school, maybe they will make you into "Super journalist"! But then I think about studying and thenI don't miss it so much.

Luv said...

i am so glad i found ur blog...i go backwards to go forward all of the time