21 July 2009

Those people..

Since that post I wrote about hating forwarded messages (that people think are so "cool" or "funny") and confessing that I immediately delete them. I have lost a few friends, which I don't really mind because now I actually get proper e-mails. I have a friend who hates them with more of a passion that I do. Which is humanly impossible. But he actually does. Knowing this, I forwarded him a message last nite and included a bunch of other friends in the message just to annoy him. And it worked. He not only replied to the message but he also gave me a call in which he took 20 minutes out of my precious day to explain to me, yet again, how much he hates being forwarded "cutesy" messages. At this point I was rolling on the floor with laughter. Ok, not really rolling on the floor, more like giggling loudly into his ear. Anyway, he added that the fact that I had copied other people into the message made it worse because now the "lol' brigade are gonna reply and hit "reply all" and he would have to put up with all those "oh my Gosh, that is so funny LMAo" type of replies. I almost felt sorry for him before I realised how much I actually hate those people. I mean who the hell replies to a message by hitting "reply all" to people they do not even know? It was after this sobering realisation that I realised what I have done to myself. And promptly reassured him that my friends are a bit more mature than that and he had nothing to worry about. But I was really reassuring myself because now I realise that I also hate those people who press "reply all"..eish.. and yeah, I also hate, hate, hate, the Vodacom meerkat! I know it has nothing to do with anything. But I am on a roll today!

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